You are here: Fuel Console > Enabler Embedded > Using Enabler Embedded with Idealpos

Using Enabler Embedded with Idealpos

When the Enabler Embedded Interface has been configured and enabled, the top-portion of the POS Screen will contain the Idealpos Enabler Interface.

The Idealpos Enabler will contain a row of up to 16 Pump numbers (depending on the number that has been configured in Global Options > Interfaces > Fuel Console).



Enabler Overview

The following functions are supported by the Idealpos Enabler Interface:



Performing a Fuel Sale

The standard process for performing a Fuel Sale is as follows.

When a customer lifts a nozzle at a pump, the lock symbol of the pump number will change to a person with their hand raised holding a nozzle.

To authorise the fuel sale, press on the symbol of the person.



The symbol will change to a nozzle and the dollar amount in the first slot will start increasing, indicating that fuel is now being pumped.



After the customer finishes pumping fuel, the symbol will change back to a lock icon and the amount shown in the first slot will appear with a solid green background.



When the customer arrives to pay for their fuel, press on the amount in the slot below the pump number.

The fuel will be added to the sale and the slot below the pump number that shows the amount being paid will change to red.

The customer may also purchase any other items that they require.



Press the ENTER button to continue to the Tender screen and take payment from the customer.




In a multiple POS Terminal environment, when a POS Terminal is currently paying off one or more pumps, those pumps that are currently being paid will appear as greyed out on other POS Terminals.

E.g. The following screenshot shows a $50.00 sale at Pump 3 - Slot 1 as being greyed out.

This is because this sale is currently being paid on another POS Terminal.

Once the other POS Terminal finishes paying off the sale, it will be cleared.

If the other POS Terminal voids the sale before paying it off, the sale will become available for being paid off at another terminal.



Utilising Multiple Slots to Authorise fuel at a pump that already contains an unpaid sale

The Idealpos Enabler contains two slots for each pump which can store two unpaid fuel sales.

This functionality can be used when a customer has finished dispensing fuel from a pump but has not paid yet (i.e. moved their vehicle), and another customer arrives and wants to use the pump that contains an unpaid sale.

When this event arises, the second slot will be utilised and the process on using this functionality is outlined as follows.


Customer A arrives and lifts the nozzle at the pump.

The lock symbol of the pump number will change to a person with their hand raised holding a nozzle.

The Clerk presses on the symbol to authorise the pump.



Customer A starts filling their vehicle and the pump displays the nozzle icon while this takes place.



After Customer A finishes filling their vehicle and returns to the nozzle to the holder, the symbol changes to a lock icon and the amount in Slot 1 changes to green.



Customer A moves their vehicle and Customer B arrives at the same pump number.

Customer B lifts the nozzle.

The lock symbol of the pump will change to a person with their hand raised holding a nozzle.

The Clerk presses on the symbol to authorise the pump.



The fuel that was dispensed by Customer A will move from Slot 1 into Slot 2.

The fuel that is being dispensed by Customer B will appear in Slot 1.



After Customer B finishes pumping fuel into their vehicle, the symbol will change to a lock icon and the amount in Slot 1 changes to green.



Both Customers can now pay for their fuel based on the dollar amount that was dispensed.

The Clerk will have to click on the correct slot/amount that corresponds to the customer paying and the selected amount will be added to the sale.


Note that when both slots have been occupied, no further authorisations can be performed at the pump until there is at least one spare slot.

Should a customer lift the nozzle while both slots are occupied, the symbol will still change.



Attempting to authorise the pump while both slots are occupied will trigger the following prompt (Cannot Authorise until stacked transactions are finalised!).

This will prevent the pump from being authorised until there is at least one free slot available.



Paying for multiple pumps/slots

It is possible to pay for multiple pumps or slots at the same time.

Simply press on the required slots below the pump numbers and the fuel from the selected slots will be added to the sale.

Any slot that has been added to the sale will be indicated as such with a solid red background.



The fuel can then be paid by pressing the ENTER button and tendering with the desired tender method.


Voiding a Fuel Sale

It is also possible to void fuel from the sale and when doing this, the slot will change from red back to green.

To void fuel, select the line in the sale that contains the fuel item, then press the VOID button.



The fuel will return to its original slot.



If required, the Void Sale function can also be used and this will void all fuel items from the sale and return the amounts back to the relevant slots.


Performing a Drive-Off

In the event that a customer drives off without paying for fuel, the sale will need to be tendered off using the DRIVE-OFF Tender.

Select the slot below the pump number.



The fuel is added to the sale.



Press the ENTER button to proceed to the tender screen.

Select the DRIVE-OFF Tender from the list of Tenders.



Depending on how the DRIVE-OFF Tender has been configured, any information related to the Drive-Off can be recorded.

If Force Reference is enabled, enter information into the reference field related to the Drive-Off.

The information entered in the Reference screen/keyboard will appear within the receipt that is printed.



If the Drive-Off Receipt Footer has been configured with spaces for writing the relevant information (e.g. Vehicle Make, Model, Year, Colour, Registration Plate, etc.), this an be recorded on the receipt so that it can be supplied to the relevant authorities.

The below example receipt shows a Reference of Rego ABC123 being entered, along with the additional Override Receipt Footer with places for entering Vehicle details.



Additional Functions

Click on one of the functions below for further details.